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CMARN holds regular EVENTS for Members and others interested in learning more about climate mobility in Africa. CMARN's bi-monthly webinars and networking events are open to all CMARN Members, providing an opportunity for climate mobility researchers to connect with each other and collaborate on future research. CMARN also hosts ad hoc events that are open to the public on issues relating to law and policy responses to climate mobility in Africa. You can read more about past and upcoming CMARN events, and other NEWS, below.


If you are a researcher working on issues relating to climate mobility in Africa, please Join Us to hear more about upcoming webinars and networking events. If you would like to learn more about our public events, please join our mailing list by contacting: If you are already a Member, you can find the 2025 Schedule of Meetings for here.








New CMARN Co-Chair 2025
Thabo .avif

CMARN Co-Chairs 2025: Dr Thabo
Ndlovu (L) & Dr Oluwatoyin Adejonwo (R)

Posted: 12 February 2025

It is with great pleasure that CMARN welcome Dr Thabo Ndlovu as the new CMARN Co-Chair for 2025! Dr Ndlovu joins Dr Oluwatoyin Adejonwo, who continues as Co-Chair this year. 


Dr Ndlovu is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS-NUST) under the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe, Project Coordinator of the partnership between IDS-NUST and United Nations World Food Programme on resilience planning in rural and urban contexts, and a member of the first Africa Science Technology Advisory Group for Disaster Risk Reduction. His research interests focus on smallholder farming, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation. 


Dr Ndlovu replaces Professor Ademola Jegede, who has completed his two-year period as CMARN Co-Chair. We express our gratitude to Professor Jegede ofr taking this role and for his leadership of CMARN over the past two years. Professor Jegede will continue in his role as  a member of the CMARN Steering Group

Africa Climate Mobility Academy

Posted: 13 JUNE 2024

New CMARN Co-Chair

CMARN is delighted to announce the first ever Africa Climate Mobility Academy 2024: Climate, Peace and Mobility. The Academy is a collaboration between CMARN, Masinde Muliro University for Science and Technology (MMUST) and Alliance Bioversity & CIAT/ CGIAR Climate Security, under the Climate, Peace and Displacement Partnership of the CGIAR FMC Initiative.


The Africa Climate Mobility Academy 2024 is a dedicated programme of mentorship, in-person peer support, expert guidance, and small research grants, with the aim of fostering locally relevant research, creating opportunities for exchange and networking for African researchers at the nexus of climate change, human mobility and peacebuilding, and fostering mentorship with and between institutions in Africa.



CMARN Co-Chairs 2024: 
Professor Ademola Jegede &
Dr Oluwatoyin Adejonwo

Posted: 22 January 2024

CMARN is delighted to announce that the new Co-Chair for 2024 is Dr Oluwatoyin Adejonwo. Dr Adejonwo will join Professor Ademola Jegede, who also continues as Co-Chair this year. 


Dr Adejonwo is a founding member of the CMARN Steering Group and will be well known to many CMARN members for her expertise in climate change governance and gender-related aspects of climate mobility. Dr Adejonwo is the founding Director of the Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (3CSD), a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, and a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.  


Dr Adejonwo replaces Dr Nicodemus Nyandiko, who steps down after his two-year period as founding CMARN Co-Chair. We thank Dr Nyandiko for his outstanding service to the network during its establishment. His vision and dedication have been crucial in creating the active network of more than 200 researchers and policy experts that CMARN is today! Dr Nyandiko will continue in his role as  a member of the CMARN Steering Group

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Posted: 20 December 2023

CMARN was a participant at the 28th annual United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28) held in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the 30 November to 12 December 2023. COP28 ended with some remarkable progress that marked major steps forward in the global effort to address the climate emergency. These includes the conclusion of the first ‘global stocktake’ of the world’s efforts to address climate change under the Paris Agreement;  an historic agreement on the operationalization of funding arrangements for addressing loss and damage; an enhanced global effort to strengthen resilience through agreed targets for the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) and its framework; and linking climate action with nature conservation, particularly through stronger national climate action plans such as the nationally determined contributions.


As part of COP28, the Global Centre for Climate Mobility (GCCM) hosted a Climate Mobility Pavilion (CMP), featuring events, receptions, and exhibitions. The CMP was a central space, dedicated to bringing urgent global attention to climate-forced migration & displacement. The Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, UNSW, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), and Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN), and Climate Migration Council (CMC) jointly organized a panel discussion in the CMP on the topic of ‘Advancing Local Knowledge and Perspectives on Climate Change-Related Displacement and Migration’.


The panel focused on the following:

  • Highlights and reflections on the critical role that local knowledge and perspectives play in addressing migration and displacement in the context of climate change;

  • Highlights and reflections on key mechanisms for advancing local knowledge and perspectives in regional and global policy fora; and

  • Shared key messages relating to climate mobility from Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific.


The panel discussion was a key opportunity to share CMARN’S Key Messages to Governments to policymakers, governments, and other relevant stakeholders on ‘advancing law and policy responses to climate mobility in Africa’. The panelist at the roundtable discussions included Dr. Beatriz Eugenia Sánchez-Mojica (Refugee Law Initiative); Tammy Tabe (East-West Center); and Dr Oluwatoyin Adejonwo (Co-Chair & Steering Group Member, Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN).


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Posted: 30 November 2023

To mark the commencement of COP28, the Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN) has issued its COP28 CMARN Key Messages to Governments, calling on governments to recognise the impacts of climate change on human mobility, prioritise the development and implementation of relevant laws and policies based on current knowledge and sound evidence, and collaborate with affected researchers and communities in addressing this issue.


Climate mobility – that is, displacement and migration in the context of disasters and climate change – is happening now and is evident in several countries on the African continent. Across Africa, a rage of law and policy areas can play a critical role in ensuring that those who choose to move, or are compelled to do so, can access safety, protection and lasting solutions, and that the loss and damage that results from climate mobility can be assessed. Africa’s Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment and Climate Change provides an important milestone for cooperation and action on climate mobility on the continent.


Climate mobility poses challenges – as well as opportunities – for people who move, the communities to which they move, and those who remain at home.

The CMARN COP28 Key Messages to Governments identify specific priorities for governments seeking to advance law, policy and practice in this area for the better protection and safety of persons displaced or moving in the context of disasters and climate change.



Insight Author Wokshop

Posted: 3 November 2023

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Are you interested in publishing your work in Climate Mobility Africa Insights? To support authors who are interested in writing for the series, CMARN will be holding Authors Workshops with experienced scholars and policy experts. These workshops will provide potential Insights authors with an opportunity to present their research and ideas for an Insights Policy Brief, and receive feedback and guidance from experts on how to develop their ideas into a full submission. Details for the first workshop are below. To find out more about what is required to author an Insights Policy Brief, read the full Information for Authors here.


Insights Author Workshop (EN-FR Interpretation provided)
Thursday 16 November
8:00am–9:30pm GMT / 11:00am–12:30pm EAT

Register HERE.


Souhaitez-vous publier votre travail dans Insights ? Pour soutenir les auteurs intéressés à écrire pour la série, le RRMCA organisera des ateliers méthodologiques avec des universitaires expérimentés et des experts en politiques. Ces ateliers offriront aux contributeurs potentiels de recevoir des commentaires et des conseils d'experts sur la manière de développer leurs idées dans une soumission complète. Les détails du premier atelier méthodologique pour les contributeurs, y compris les modalités d’inscription, sont ci-dessous. Pour en savoir plus sur les conditions requises pour rédiger une note d’orientation, lisez l’intégralité des informations destinées aux auteurs ici.


Atelier d'auteur Insights (interprétation EN-FR fournie)
jeudi 16 novembre
8h00-21h30 GMT / 11h00-12h30 NAIROBI
Register HERE.

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Posted: 9 August 2023

Africa’s first dedicated publication series on climate mobility was launched by CMARN this week, and welcomed by leading regional and international experts as an exciting and important innovation in discussions on climate change and human mobility in Africa.


Providing a go-to source of information for governments, policymakers and researchers, the new Climate Mobility Africa Insights series will provides up-to-date information and analysis of key law and policy issues relating to climate mobility on the continent. The series will not only advance knowledge and capacity among those on the ground, it will also amplify the voices of African researchers in discussions and debates about this pressing global issue.


Insights has already published four policy briefs, six factsheets and a podcast, all accessible in English and French, and covering a range of law and policy topics, including climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, transhumance, human rights and sexual and gender-based violence.


Speaking at the launch, African Climate Mobility Initiative Youth Fellow, Lukmon Akintola praised Insights as an important ‘entry point’ for policy makers and civil society groups seeking to understand the trends, challenges and opportunities that climate mobility presents.


Climate change, disasters and environmental degradation are among the leading drivers of human mobility across Africa – and predicted to increase. To help affected populations to move safely and with dignity, and ensure their human rights are protected, evidence-based laws and policies are required..


While African law and policy frameworks are frequently praised for being more generous and progressive on issues of displacement and climate change than many of their international counterparts, in practice, the realisation of these opportunities on the ground is frequently hampered by gaps in knowledge and implementation.


According to Professor Jane McAdam, Director of the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, ‘researchers play a crucial rule in explaining core ideas, providing an evidence base for policy makers, and drawing on their deep understanding and longer term thinking about issue to inform public debate and public policy’.


Through a combination of short fact sheets and more detailed policy briefs, Insights provides shared language and understandings, as well as practical recommendations, for advancing meaningful solutions on the ground.


Special Envoy for the Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement, Professor Walter Kälin, commended the ‘people-centred and policy-oriented’ approach of Insights researchers, noting that regional networks such as CMARN have the capacity to deliver large-scale evidence and information that is ‘detailed enough, and good enough, to convince policy makers’.


The new Insights publication series marks a significant milestone in the work of CMARN, an interdisciplinary, bi-lingual (EN+FR) network of researchers and policy makers established in 2021. Through regular meetings, webinars and workshops, CMARN advances knowledge and dialogue on critical issues of adaptation, protection and migration. There are also plans for dedicated training workshops and editorial support for authors – especially early career researchers and researchers based in Africa – who wish to publish their research.


In his closing comments at the Insights launch, CMARN Co-Chair Professor Ademola Jegede urged people to read Insights, share widely and consider submitting their own research for inclusion in the series.


  • Read Insights in English here

  • Lire Insights en Français here.


CMARN and Insights are generously supported by Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Insights launch
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Posted: 1 August 2023

We are delighted to invite you to join the launch of Climate Mobility Africa Insights, a new publication series of the Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN). The new Insights series aims to advance evidence-based law and policy responses to climate mobility in Africa. Please join us for this online launch event, which will feature authors from the new Insights series and remarks from leading experts, including Lukmon Akintola, Walter Kaelin and Jane McAdam.

Tuesday 8 August

11:00-12:00 EAT / 10:00-11:00 CEST



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WA webinar
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book launch

Posted: 27 July 2023

The Climate Mobility African Research Network ( CMARN) held its 3rd webinar for 2023 on the 27th of July, 2023. The topic for the webinar was “Climate-induced immobility & mobility: Insights from West Africa”. The moderator at the event was Dr Benjamin Schraven, a member of the CMARN Steering Group.

The event was graced by three speakers currently carrying out research on (im) mobility in Western Africa as follows:
  1. Dr. Susan Ekoh (German Institute of Development and Sustainability): ‘From recognition to action on urban climate (im)mobility’

  2. Joseph Inyama (University of Nijmegen): ‘Climate (Im)-Mobility and governance responses in frontline communities in Sub-Saharan Africa’.

  3. Albert Allan Dakyie (University of Bonn): 'The effect of climate change on a particular form of short-distance mobility: Cross-border access to public basic schools in Northern Ghana.'


Please click on the link below for the recording of the webinar:

Posted: 1 March 2023

The Climate Mobility Africa Research Network ( CMARN) held its first meeting for 2023 on 28th February. The event featured the launch of the book, Climate Change Justice and Human Rights: an African Perspective, co-edited by Professor. Ademola Oluborode Jegede (CMARN Co-Chair) and Dr. Oluwatoyin Adejonwo (CMARN Steering Group member). The chief guest at the well-attended launch was Justice John Mativo, Appeal Judge of the Appeal Court of Kenya. Speaking during the launch, Justice Mativo stated that Climate Change is a human rights problem and therefore, the Human Rights Legal Framework must be part of the solution. He added that actions taken to mitigate the effects of climate change must comply with human
rights and that states have a duty to take bold steps to avert climate change.

Justice Mativo lauded the editors of the book and said it will go a long way in developing knowledge on climate change and will provide a basis for further study in the area. Other participants at the event were the members of the CMARN Steering Group and other members of the network. The co-editors of the book, Prof Jegede and Dr Adejonwo, provided an introduction to the book’s themes and overarching messages. Dr Adejonwo explained that the book is in the three main parts: part one critically analyses the human rights paradigm and its potential for framing responses to climate change; part two takes a closer look at regional human rights frameworks and how they can protect the rights of those affected by climate change; and part three analyses domestic regulatory frameworks and emerging interventions in select African countries, including Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Professor Jegede highlighted that climate change is not just a global challenge, but a global injustice. He stated: ‘Climate change is a human wrong. The best response to human wrongs is human rights.’

Climate Change Justice and Human Rights: an African Perspective is available free in full text from the publisher’s website. To view a recording of the launch event, click the link below:

book event

EVENT: Climate Change Justice and Human Rights - An African Perspective
Posted: 24 February 2023

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new co-chair

Posted: 15 January 2023

The Climate Mobility African Research Network (CMARN) is delighted to announce that it has a new Co-Chair, Prof. Ademola Jegede. Ademola Jegede is a Professor of Law at the  University of Venda, South Africa. He replaces Dr Tamara Wood of Kaldor Centre who has been Co-Chair since the launch of the network in November 2021 and has stepped down as per the CMARN Constitution after Co-Chairing the network for one year. Prof. Jegede will be working jointly with the other Co-Chair of the network, Dr. Nicodemus Nyandiko of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology ( MMUST).

We congratulate Prof. Jegede on this appointment and wish him well as he takes over the mantle. We equally would like to thank Dr Wood for the excellent work she has done and for her tireless efforts in ensuring the network was set up and operational.  Dr Wood remains an active member of the CMARN Steering Group.

Posted: 15 January 2023

The Climate Mobility African Research Network ( CMARN)  is in the process of recruiting two new members to its Steering Committee. The two will replace Dr. Annette Okoth and Prof. Edwin Abuya who stepped down recently due to other engagements. They, however, still remain active members of the network.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Annette and Edwin for their contribution in ensuring the activities of the network went on smoothly in the last year look forward to working with them in the coming year.

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Posted: 8 January 2023

CMARN hosts bi-monthly webinars and networking events for Members to learn more about law and policy responses to climate mobility in Africa, to connect with each other and to collaborate on future research on this issue. If you are not yet a member, please Join Us.


In 2023, CMARN bi-monthly meetings will be held at the following times: 


Tuesday 28 February 2023                     Meeting 1

11am-1pm EAT

Tuesday 25 April 2023                            Meeting 2

11am-1pm EAT


Tuesday 27 June 2023                            Meeting 3

11am-1pm EAT


Tuesday 29 August 2023                        Meeting 4

11am-1pm EAT


Tuesday 24 October 2023                      Meeting 5

11am-1pm EAT


Tuesday 11 December 2023                  Meeting 6

11am-1pm EAT


key messages
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Ahead of COP27: The Climate Mobility Africa Research Network Launches its Key Messages for Governments
Posted: 24 October 2022

The Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN) has launched its Key Messages to Governments for COP27, calling on governments to further recognize the impacts of climate change on human mobility and prioritize the development and implementation of effective laws and policies based on current knowledge and sound evidence. Action taken now, in collaboration with affected communities, local researchers, civil society and international organizations, could significantly reduce the risks associated with climate mobility well into the future. 

The evidence is clear that climate change reshapes human mobility patterns. Climate change can act as a risk multiplier – interacting with other social, economic and political factors to drive movement. The adverse effects of climate change can also render people immobile, by undermining the resources needed to move out of harm’s way.  

On the African continent, most human mobility in the context of disasters and climate change occurs within countries or between neighboring countries, rather than to distant high-income countries. In 2021 alone, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center identified 2.6 million new internal displacements in the context of disasters in Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Bank’s Groundswell Report II projects that, without concrete climate and development action, climate change could contribute to the migration of more than 105 million people within their own countries in Africa due to water stress, reduced crop productivity and sea level rise. 

Furthermore, the IPCC has highlighted that "migration is an important and potentially effective climate change adaptation strategy in Africa and must be considered in adaptation planning”. Similarly, the recently launched African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032) acknowledges that "movement or migration is an adaptation strategy employed by hundreds of millions of people, both in response to negative stimuli and as a means of pursuing a worthwhile life" and that there may be a considerable role for governments in normalizing and facilitating the movement of people. 

The 18 States that already signed the 2022 Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment and Climate Change, pledged to address "critical matters of migration, environmental and climate change and its adverse impacts on people and livestock". This includes commitments to establish and strengthen systems to generate “accurate, timely data and information on climate change impacts on human mobility” and to address “knowledge gaps by understanding and applying indigenous knowledge and practices in the development of appropriate adaptation responses”.  

In Africa, research related to climate change faces severe data constraints, and inequities in funding and research leadership, thereby reducing adaptive capacity on the continent. According to the IPCC, “the number of climate research publications with locally based authors are among the lowest globally”. This limits the value of available research and evidence for governments and policy makers, as “research led by external researchers may focus less on local priorities”.  

All 18 of the leaders who signed the Kampala Declaration are hoping that its priorities will be implemented by governments across the continent. Beyond Africa, the Kampala Declaration has the ambition of raising the importance of human mobility through the COP.  

When COP convenes in November, governments across Africa and beyond have the opportunity to address existing constraints and inequities in climate-related information, action and finance related to mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. Under the leadership of Egypt, ‘Africa’s COP’ must address Africa’s challenges, including those relating to human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. 

CMARN’s key messages to governments are part of its objective to support evidence-based development and implementation of laws and policies relating to displacement and migration in the context of disasters and climate change in Africa. The key messages have been developed collaboratively with the input of researchers working across the African continent with diverse expertise in fields of law, policy, geography, communications and social sciences. 



  1. Facilitate access to and provide relevant and accessible information about climate mobility (Including data, evidence, laws and policies) to affected communities 

  2. Develop and implement relevant international and regional frameworks to ensure that all measures to address climate mobility are gender-responsive and based on relevant human rights 

  3. Support local research, led by local researchers, to inform law and policy developments that are evidence-based and reflect the lived experiences of affected communities 

  4. Facilitate collaboration and dialogue between different levels of government, inter-governmental organizations and regional institutions to ensure integration between global, regional and local approaches to climate mobility 

  5. Provide opportunities for collaboration and dialogue on climate mobility between researchers and policy makers to facilitate sharing of knowledge and expertise. 

  6. Take a holistic approach to addressing climate mobility, taking into account the interaction between climate change, conflict, poverty, livelihoods and food security as drivers of human mobility. 

  7. Prioritize local and indigenous knowledge and perspectives in all measures to address climate mobility. 

  8. Work collaboratively with all stakeholders – including affected communities, researchers, international organizations and civil society – to facilitate an inclusive and participatory approach to addressing climate mobility. 

Action taken now in line with these key messages could help to advance relevant laws, policies and practices that ensure better protection and safety for those displaced or moving in the context of disasters and climate change. 


You can find read the key messages in full in English and in French.  

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©2022 by CMARN/RRMCA

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